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Case Study Mainova: Financial Plannability through Corporate Sharing

With Hop-On, Mainova operates exclusive sharing offers at and for companies and thus benefits from fixed monthly revenues. Find out more about the use case of corporate sharing and whether it is also suitable for you. 

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Case Study:
How Bilkollektivet tripled its user numbers

Introducing a subscription model has increased the success of Norwegian carsharing provider Bilkollektivet significantly. find out how to use subscriptions for your own shared mobility business. 

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Guide: Building a Sharing Offer

Our guide will help you stay on top of things as you build your sharing offering. Learn what matters and what you should think about. 

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A Guide to Process Optimization

Users profit from Operational Excellence as much as the Sharing Providers themselves. Learn how to optimize your processes step by step.

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Shared Mobility Status Report 2020

The shared mobility sector has long been more than an emerging trend. This report sheds light on the market and uncovers potentials.

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