Who we are and 

How we Became a Leading Company in Shared Mobility


We care about Shared Mobility because

The Way People Move is Evolving

Let’s be honest, owning cars is still relevant to a majority of movers. But at the same time we see a huge change in the lives and habits of people. 

Discovering new mobility options, is constantly creating a shift as in people striving towards flexibility by multimodal mobility in the long term.


We’re serving a product to

Enable the Needed Mobility Services

We create flexible mobility options by enabling innovative companies to run tailored businesses in shared mobility.

With our product and within our ecosystem of service providers, Entrepreneurs can realise their product ideas from small to large fleets.


We can do this within our ecosystem and

As a Task Force of Experts

With diversity and individuality inside our team, we evolve our platform on a daily basis – in collaboration with our partners.

We foster a flexible work environment for colleagues and create room for maneuver for every employee to contribute in influencing attractive and sustainable products.


Years of improvements


providers on board


activated countries

What we care about is 

Creating an Impact

By Numbers


Sharing vehicles






sharing operators

And Related Effects

 Economic Impact

New Business Models

Shared mobility is still a young market with lots of opportunities for innovative business models.

Marketing boost

Serving mobility budget and sustainability statements are just two examples why shared mobility can improve a company's brand awareness without green washing.

 Social Impact

Accessibility and cost savings

As a rule of thumb, with up to 10,000 kilometers driving range per year carsharing is more economic than owning a private car.


Shared mobility boosts multimodal mobility. Which basically means combining sharing vehicles, ride sharings, public transportations and more.

 Environmental Impact

Reducing private vehicles

Sharing vehicles reduces the need for private cars. Referring to the Bundesverband Carsharing, a shared car can compensate up to 20 private cars.

Redefining private vehicles

Additional mobility options can help rethinking the type of car needed. Theoretically the use cases for private cars shrink and the amount and size of private cars could do so, too. Practically there are other forces on the vehicle market at the market leading into another direction.

As Colleague or Partner start

Working With Us

As a Colleague

You want to get on board, shaping the product that enables the future of mobility?

Learn more about our company culture and join our team of individuals and experts.

     Team and Jobs     

As a Partner

The ecosystem of service partners interacting on the MOQO platform is a core element of our success.

Say hello to get listed as a collaborating service for our vehicle providers.

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