Corporate Sharing for Stable Revenue

Set-Up | Business Model Corporate Sharing
April 24, 2024 by

Would you like more financial predictability? The season, weather and economic situation often influence the usage behavior of drivers. You can make yourself less dependent on this by achieving secure monthly income through fixed framework agreements with organizations. Find out how the corporate sharing business model works - it may be a suitable concept for you too. 

Corporate sharing is a B2B business. This means that your direct customers are not the drivers, but organizations or companies with a need for an internal mobility service.

You make vehicles exclusively available to them and take on defined services. In return, you receive a fixed fee. 

For companies, this model represents an alternative to the traditional company car concept. This means that individual employees are not assigned their own company car, but all employees have flexible access to the sharing vehicle fleet. 

The advantages of corporate sharing

A major advantage of this business model: As a corporate sharing provider, you receive a fixed, usually monthly, fee for your service from the framework agreement partner. You therefore know the minimum turnover you can expect before the start of the month.

In addition to the fixed fee, you can even generate additional income through private use of the vehicles by employees - more on this in the section "How does corporate sharing work?". 

Another advantage that many corporate sharing providers report: Fewer cases of fraud and damage occur. This is obvious, as the user group is limited and not just anyone can register for the service. This reduces the risk of identity fraud or willful damage and theft. 

The personal relationship between the drivers (= employees) and the company also often leads to (even) more careful handling of the vehicles.

Damage management: Best practices →

How does corporate sharing work?

In principle, corporate sharing works like this: You make the desired number of shared vehicles exclusively available to a company and take on agreed services. In return, you receive a corresponding fee. 

In this case, the drivers are members of the company. They book the vehicles via a digital sharing system provided by you, such as the MOQO platform. 
Typical services offered by corporate sharing providers:

  • Provision of the sharing vehicles, in the company's brand design if desired

  • Vehicle service, including maintenance, repair, cleaning and regular vehicle checks

  • Providing a sharing system for bookings

  • Customer service

                  How to keep your sharing vehicles ready for use →

                  The basis of a corporate sharing offer is a framework agreement that you conclude with the company and in which you specify all the essential details. 

                  For example, it is important to know whether the company's employees are allowed to use the vehicles exclusively for business purposes or also for private use. The company decides whether the drivers should bear the costs themselves or whether it will also cover them.

                  In the latter case, you take this into account when calculating the monthly fee. This generally depends on the scope of services offered, which you negotiate individually with the customer. 

                  Additional income from private bookings

                  If the employees cover the costs of private travel themselves, you regulate how this additional income is handled in the framework agreement.

                  Option A: The revenue goes to you as the sharing provider.

                  Option B: The revenue goes to the company or is offset against the monthly fee.

                  Option C: You divide the income between you and the company in a ratio to be determined.

                  Weigh up what is important to you: Do you primarily want to increase your revenue or make it attractive for the company to encourage employees to use the vehicles?

                  Make sure that you build up a network of service partners in your customer's area (if this does not already exist). In most cases, you will also need a contact person at the local company who can check on the vehicle if necessary or hand over keys to workshop partners. This is particularly important if the company is based at a different location to you.

                  While some providers operate exclusively corporate sharing offers, others offer this as an extension to public sharing. This decision is always individual and depends on objectives, strategy and capacities.

                  Winning corporate customers for a corporate sharing offer

                  The question you need to answer for yourself before approaching potential business customers is this: Why should a company cover its mobility needs with your service instead of operating its own fleet?

                  Good arguments to convince companies of the benefits of corporate sharing

                  • No need for the company to manage its own fleet thanks to the full range of services offered

                  • Digital processing of vehicle bookings reduces internal costs

                  • Possible reduction in costs if income is generated from private rentals

                  • Possible private use of shared vehicles as an employee benefit for employee retention and to strengthen the company's image on the labor market

                  • Contribution to sustainability through the positive effect of carsharing on climate protection

                  • Marketing effect through branded vehicles in the corporate design

                  • Benefit from the know-how of the sharing provider

                  Which role carsharing plays in terms of climate change →

                  Be aware of the added value of your corporate sharing offer and communicate this. 

                  Ways to reach corporate customers

                  • Address business customers from other business sectors (e.g. as a municipal utility)

                  • Targeting companies, associations and local authorities in your region

                  • Joint campaign with the IHK

                  • Publications in local newspaper

                  • Advertisements on relevant internet portals (e.g. on the topics of company mobility or employee benefits)

                  • Trade fairs

                  • Social networks like LinkedIn

                  How the MOQO platform supports corporate sharing

                  In order to be able to offer organizations corporate sharing, you certainly need a sharing system that can map this use case.

                  The MOQO platform basically supports you with the following four functions:

                  Closed vs. public offers

                  When creating a sharing offer, you choose whether it is a closed or public offer. For companies that only want to rent sharing vehicles to their employees, select a closed offer. 

                  Booking settings

                  When making a specific booking, drivers select whether they are making the booking for business or private purposes. For private bookings, you can enter the corresponding usage rates and the journey will be billed directly via the platform.

                  You can also set the time periods in which private use is even possible. This is relevant if, for example, booking should only be possible after work or at weekends - i.e. when they are not needed for business purposes.

                  Optional: Digital driver's logbook

                  If required, the platform automatically generates a tax office-compliant digital logbook of all business-related journeys.

                  API connection of external services

                  Other external services can be connected to the platform via APIs to support you in fleet management, for example. 

                  Useful features of the MOQO platform for B2B business


                  With the contingent feature, companies can provide employees with a budget for (private) trips - for example as a reward for special achievements or as a general employee benefit.

                  More about Contingents →

                  Discount Code Manager

                  The discount code manager allows you to create individual discount codes that companies can issue to employees on special occasions, for example.

                  More about the Discount Code Manager →


                  The Scheduler helps you with fleet management: You can maintain an overview, view and control bookings and planned maintenance centrally and coordinate tasks. It is also possible to create, change or end bookings via the Scheduler. This is particularly helpful for companies that want to manage employee bookings manually instead of via the app. 

                  More about the Scheduler →

                  Support Bundles

                  As corporate sharing is a very specific use case, it is not unlikely that specific questions will arise from corporate customers or drivers. It is therefore advisable to integrate your own customer support using the Support Bundle feature.

                  More about Support Bundles →

                  Corporate sharing brings the new mobility to companies

                  More and more companies are deciding against providing selected employees with a company car. This development is making way for corporate sharing: a more contemporary, sustainable and often cheaper form of company mobility.

                  As a sharing provider, you have the know-how and the resources that companies need. This opens up a new target group for you and a new business model from which you also benefit: through fixed monthly sales and less risk of fraud.

                                                        MOQO April 24, 2024
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